
Peers4Peers logo

We are currently developing a peer mentor support service and have recruited Family Peer Network Co-ordinators to join us.

Our vision for this service includes:

  • valuing lived experiences: prioritising the real-life experiences of our community.
  • active adoption community: supporting adopters at every stage within Adoption East Midlands.
  • accessible peer support: offering various forms of peer support, recognising the bravery it takes to seek help.
  • peer community: creating a space for adopters to connect, find friendship, empowerment, hope, and a sense of belonging.
  • co-creation and development: collaborating to create opportunities for peer connection and support.

Coming home session

Some of our peer mentor volunteers have developed a ‘coming home’ session for adopters in the matching phase. This session is for adoptive parents in the stage 2, home finding, linking and matching stages of the adoption process and will be and opportunity to meet experienced adoptive parents who will guide you through the 'coming home' stage of your adoption journey. Please check out the coming home flyer for more information.

Co-production groups

After the success of our previous co-production groups, we’re launching a further group focusing on child to parent violence led by experienced adopter Al Coates from the Adoption and Fostering Podcast. Many of our families come into our service experiencing this challenge. We really want to hear your experiences and thoughts around this so that we can respond through our support offer in the best possible way via our Helpdesk and beyond through the service.

We want to hear from ALL adopters, Dad’s as well as Mums. To support this on 7th October we are offering three different times to meet, to accommodate the needs and commitments of adopters. There will be a session at 10am in the morning, one over lunchtime at 12pm and one in the evening starting at 7.30pm. If you can make one of these sessions, we would really value your participation. If you’d like to receive the invitation to join this group, please email

Peers4Peers coffee morning

In collaboration with Nottinghamshire County Council's Listening and Learning Week we're holding our first Peers4Peers 'coffee and chat' morning on 16 October 2024. We hope that this will be a fantastic opportunity for adoptive families to connect. A free creche and refreshments will be available. Contact us at for more information.

Get in touch

If you or someone you know is interested in peer mentoring and would like to join our waitlist for upcoming information and events, please email: