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Active Member Annual Benefit Statements Frequently Asked Questions - 2023

If you are an existing member of the Nottinghamshire Local Government Pension Scheme you can access further information on your ABS here....

Why haven't I received an Annual Benefit Statement? 

2024 Statements are due to be issued towards the end of August 2024. 

You may not receive a 2024 statement due to:

  • not being an active member of the scheme at 31 March 2024
  • having left the scheme on or after 31 March 2024
  • where the Nottinghamshire Pension Fund is finalising or awaiting information from the relevant employers which is required before a statement can be produced.

If I have a query on the details in my statement what should I do?

We have tried to cover most FAQs throughout these pages and the Guidance Booklet which should be read in conjunction with your statement.

If your query relates to the pay used in section 5 'Pensionable Pay as at 31/03/2023' please contact your employer in the first instance as this is information provided by them.

If your pension benefits have been changed as a result of your enquiry you will be issued with a re-print. Please note re-prints will only be issued at the end of November 2023.

If your query relates to the personal details such as an incorrect address, use the forms in the change of details section. Re-prints will not be issued but will be reflected in your 2024 statement.

If you still have a query after reading this please contact us.

I don't agree with the membership in Section 4

This section will show your service in years and days (years/days). If you have had any period of part time employment, the membership quoted will have been calculated to reflect the part time hours worked and will be less than the calendar length. For example, if you work 50% of full time hours for 2 years, you will be credited with 1 year of membership in the LGPS.

When do I qualify for scheme benefits?         

If you joined the LGPS on or after 1 April 2014, with no earlier period of LGPS membership in England or Wales and having not transferred any previous pension rights into the LGPS, then you MUST attain 2 years scheme membership in order to qualify for benefits. The projections made on your statement assume that you will qualify for a benefit even if you do not meet the criteria currently. However, you are covered from day one for death benefits.

Does my statement take account of any early retirement reduction? 

Your benefits do NOT include any early retirement reduction which might apply if you were to retire before your Normal Pension Age (NPA). For further information, please visit the LGPS member website.

Does my statement include a late retirement increase? 

If you have gone past your Normal Pension Age (NPA) at 31 March 2023, the total value of your benefits will include any late retirement increases as they apply currently. The increase factors are not guaranteed and are subject to being changed.

What if I contribute to the LGPS under another employment?  

You will receive a separate statement in respect of each of your pensionable employments.

What if I also have a deferred benefit under the LGPS?

You will receive a separate statement for any deferred benefit you may have from an earlier period of LGPS membership.

Can I pay more to increase my benefits?       

There are 2 in-house options available to you. You can either make Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) or you can elect to purchase extra pension by making Additional Pension Contributions (APCs).

What happens if I am unable to work because of an illness?

If you have been absent from work because of an illness and you have received reduced or nil pay as a result, your pension benefits will continue to build up whilst you are still employed. If your employments is then terminated by your employer on the grounds of permanent ill health, then your retirement benefits will become payable immediately without reduction. See the Ill Health Retirement Guide for further information.

Has my Pension Sharing Order deduction been applied?       

If you have a pension sharing order applied to your benefits and it has been processed by this office, it will be reflected on your statement.

Does my statement provide for any Underpin protection?

The Underpin is a protection that applies to some members who were within 10 years of their protected Normal Pension Age on 1 April 2012. The projections shown on your statement will NOT show any Underpin adjustment. If the Underpin applies to you, a calculation will be performed at the date you cease to contribute to the scheme. Please visit the LGPS member website for further information.

What if I want to request further estimates of my pension benefits?

In all instances the Annual Benefit Statement  should be sufficient to assist you in understanding your pension benefits. Further estimates will only be provided to you for the following reason:

  • Retirement at your own request within the next 12 months and where you are over age 55